Friday, April 20, 2012

About Geri G. Taylor, the Author of "The Kitchen Dance"

About ten years ago I returned to college to study acting and took two courses in playwriting.  I wrote the screenplay “The Kitchen Dance” and after several submissions and several rejections I tucked the story away in my computer files and went on to write other screenplays, plays, worked on another couple of novels and made notes for other novel ideas.

As I mentioned in my about me, I am an Actress both stage and screen. I performed in university productions, community theaters, skits and programs for my church’s televised sermon.  I worked as background on film productions filmed in north Louisiana and a few roles, including principal roles, in independent films. In the course of pursuing my acting studies and in performing, I learned a great deal about character development and dialogue driven story lines.

I feel this experience has helped me to create solid characters with interesting lives that have great stories to tell. Two of my one-act plays, A Friend or Something and Transforming Christmas selected to be performed in separate play competitions and I wrote two skits, The Toilet Seat and Two Incomes, which were performed in televised sermons. 

Recently, I revisited The Kitchen Dance and realized my screenplay was merely a synopsis of the story.  I set out to create a manuscript for a short story or novella but ended up with a 86,000 word novel.  I bypassed agents and sought independent publishers accepting queries from unpublished writers.  I submitted queries to about three-dozen small publishers, sent about a dozen full manuscripts requests, and was offered contracts from four publishers.  I am pleased to announce Mélange Books, LLC at, will publish my debut novel, The Kitchen Dance.  The expected release date is January 2013.

One interesting thing about me is a game I play with my best friend of nearly twenty years.  She tells me about an unsolved crime she read in the paper or on the Internet and I can immediately come up with a fictional story of what really happened.  Another clever thing about me is that I am one of those annoying people who almost always know not only how the movie is going to end but what the next line out the characters mouth will be.

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